Building New Surgery Rooms That Do More Than Improve Care
The Surgery department at Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital (SLCH) had excellent patient satisfaction scores despite its cramped, outdated facility. When the adjacent Emergency Department had nowhere else to expand but into the space occupied by the Surgery department, it was a perfect opportunity SLCH and Clark/Kjos to improve the patient and staff experience in the new surgery space to match the high quality of care that was already SLCH’s standard.
New Same Day rooms offer a comfortable and private place for patients to be prepared for and recover from surgery, with family members at their side. Views and daylight in each room help ease tension. Staff workstations offer excellent observation and close proximity for attending to recovering patients. Even the PACU bays and operating rooms themselves have windows to brighten the environment for the dedicated staff.

2 operating suites
Minor procedure room
3-bay PACU
14 Same Day rooms
Support spaces